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Sunday, October 24, 2010


{The Inspiration}
     As I post this the ideas of doing my Sunday night homework, linger in the back of my mind, but the idea for this post has been nosily rattling around in my brain making it nearly impossible to concentrate on mindless homework assignments, that and apparently I love to procrastinate.  As you can tell by the blatantly boring title of this post, I will indeed be sharing with you my lovely ideas on moccasins. Currently I own none, but a girl can dream right? At one point I did own a pair which I highly regret, I bought them knowing I liked moccasins, but without realizing the responsibility as well as the array of much more interesting moccasins out there. Now when I say responsibility, keep in mind the material that moccasins are made out of, now imagine it dipped in water. (insert whale face here). Foolish and unexperienced me wore these, at the time, believes to be prized purchases, every day no matter what the outfit. Now that is just fine and dandy, but it rained and I had no socks, so it can pretty much go without saying that my shoes were ruined and eventually I had to sit down with myself and let myself in on that key detail that they smelled horribly and looked like roadkill. Not much of a sight I know, so if you do purchase some be sure to keep them clean and dry, (again insert whale face here). I think the pictures to follow will explain the "much more interesting moccasins". Enjoy :)
                                                       - Bread Crumbzz
{The Inspiration}

{Moccasin Ankle Boots}

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