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Monday, October 25, 2010

Leather Shorts, Are they Really a Trend?

        I have had leather pants once in my life. I was in fourth grade, so it was well past the nineties, and leather pants were not even on my radar screen. However, my mother who I like to refer to as a character, had quietly and earnestly hoped we had something in common as she folded them and tucked them away between layers of rustling tissue paper in a typical tacky Christmas printed box. Now please remember, before you dismiss all taste in clothes, I have convinced you that I have, that at the time I was in fourth grade, none of my other friends had them, and at that point in my life, my mother was a major influence on my sense. I opened the box, and at first a little in shock by these black shiny, ankle long pleather pants, instantly fell in love.
                I would proceed to wear these same leather pants for the following year with the same shirt I had eagerly unwrapped that Christmas too. The shirt was Old Navy ( a phase I hope never to re-visit) with pastel salmons and creamy yellows, with some sky and navy blue stripes thrown right along in there. Nothing that would look even remotely decent to somehow salvage my appearance. All that combined with my rugged ponytail and teeth in desperation of a few years of braces, I was a ghastly sight. But I kept on smiling and wearing them literally every chance I got. I wore them to school, around the house, once on an airplane trip (which is when I was let in on one of those obvious truths that leather pants are very uncomfortable and sweaty), the last time I wore them was when I went to Sweet Tomatoes, where the accident I should probably be thankful for took place.
                  Heaven forbid I spilled a entire glass of soda on my pleather pants. That is also when I found out that pleather pants cannot be machine washed, upsetting at the time I never put those pants back on, and by the time my hoarder of a mother came across them under piles of other clothes the hems came about mid-way up my calf. So you would probably understand my dismay when I heard that pleather shorts were coming into style.
                   Now, like myself you may have not seen them, because I mean it makes sense that this would be a hard trend to catch on. There are about two places a woman likes her leather; her jackets and her handbags. But maybe just maybe this fad would catch on. I decided to investigate it myself. I did my usual virtual investigating and from what I have found I might actually kinda like what I am seeing. But then again leather shorts pants or skirts, are like I mentioned in a previous blog, a "delicate trend". So let me answer my own question by saying that personally I think leather shorts are a do-able trend. Now that is not to say I would wear them everyday of the week, probably not even twice a week, but once every blue moon would be just enough to satisfy my curiosity. Look at the evidence below that convinced me and tell me what you decide; Leather shorts, are they really a trend?

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