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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Matching and Pairing

So I saw these shoes on Polyvore, a website that if you haven't been on you should seriously check it out, and I really liked them. Here are some of the combinations, courtesy of polyvore, that show different ways to wear these shoes. You know you have a great piece of clothing when you can do so many different things with it. 
In this look the over all style is really casual but it looks very fashion forward. The scarf helps to dress up the simple tee. You could wear it with or without the jacket and it would have the same appeal. The belt provides a pop of color while tying in the color of the shoes. 

The romper looks very fashionable paired with the scarf and the shoes that once again are the interest piece of the outfit.
The dress is a lot more fancy, with its delicate lace and cream colors, however these shoes add just enough "pop" to not overpower the outfit. 
This outfit is very interesting with its different colors and patterns, the shoes enhance the interesting aspect of this outfit.

Friday, October 29, 2010


I think we can all learn a little from ballerinas. A dance that perfectly encompasses the art of being poised and beautiful, taking every step and leap with a magnitude of grace. I was inspired recently by the beauty  of dancers, who have the ability to move their body so fluidly but with so much control. Its as if they have converted their very being into a different language and learned how to speak it fluently. So I here are some pictures of those who have figured out how to translate ballet in to a different form of art.

{Ballerina Pink blush}
{Ballerina Pink}

{The silhouette of a ballerina outfit}
~Ballerina Buns. They look so sophisticated emphasizes  beautiful bone structure.~
{Ballerina Bun}
I would love to wear a pair of ballet shoes with a short dress. But they would have to be matte ones.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Walking the Fine Line of Sequins

                So I got a little carried away with the writing on the last post. So this one I am gonna keep short, simple and to the point. Sequins, contrary to the tacky misconception of sequins created by stores like Justice and Limited Too, these outfits are proving that sequins can make that same transition that we made as tweens, branching out from Limited Too, into well, everything else.  Heres some pics of some people proving my point.

Leather Shorts, Are they Really a Trend?

        I have had leather pants once in my life. I was in fourth grade, so it was well past the nineties, and leather pants were not even on my radar screen. However, my mother who I like to refer to as a character, had quietly and earnestly hoped we had something in common as she folded them and tucked them away between layers of rustling tissue paper in a typical tacky Christmas printed box. Now please remember, before you dismiss all taste in clothes, I have convinced you that I have, that at the time I was in fourth grade, none of my other friends had them, and at that point in my life, my mother was a major influence on my sense. I opened the box, and at first a little in shock by these black shiny, ankle long pleather pants, instantly fell in love.
                I would proceed to wear these same leather pants for the following year with the same shirt I had eagerly unwrapped that Christmas too. The shirt was Old Navy ( a phase I hope never to re-visit) with pastel salmons and creamy yellows, with some sky and navy blue stripes thrown right along in there. Nothing that would look even remotely decent to somehow salvage my appearance. All that combined with my rugged ponytail and teeth in desperation of a few years of braces, I was a ghastly sight. But I kept on smiling and wearing them literally every chance I got. I wore them to school, around the house, once on an airplane trip (which is when I was let in on one of those obvious truths that leather pants are very uncomfortable and sweaty), the last time I wore them was when I went to Sweet Tomatoes, where the accident I should probably be thankful for took place.
                  Heaven forbid I spilled a entire glass of soda on my pleather pants. That is also when I found out that pleather pants cannot be machine washed, upsetting at the time I never put those pants back on, and by the time my hoarder of a mother came across them under piles of other clothes the hems came about mid-way up my calf. So you would probably understand my dismay when I heard that pleather shorts were coming into style.
                   Now, like myself you may have not seen them, because I mean it makes sense that this would be a hard trend to catch on. There are about two places a woman likes her leather; her jackets and her handbags. But maybe just maybe this fad would catch on. I decided to investigate it myself. I did my usual virtual investigating and from what I have found I might actually kinda like what I am seeing. But then again leather shorts pants or skirts, are like I mentioned in a previous blog, a "delicate trend". So let me answer my own question by saying that personally I think leather shorts are a do-able trend. Now that is not to say I would wear them everyday of the week, probably not even twice a week, but once every blue moon would be just enough to satisfy my curiosity. Look at the evidence below that convinced me and tell me what you decide; Leather shorts, are they really a trend?

Emma Watson, Fashion Icon

     Knowing Emma Watson to be a small burrow-able haired wizard on Harry Potter, many were astonished to see her begin to make appearances on both the British and American red carpets with her "Hagrid" hair along with her maroon and gold robes shed, revealing a series of cute dresses and a woman of elegant poise with the remnants of innocence still sparkling in her very existence, a mixture that would make her irresistible to men and envied by women in two continents. A surprising beauty, Watson's secrets to subtle sex appeal are a mystery to many. If you asked me I would probably comment on her amazing gift on carrying herself with poise and grace and of course they way she dresses, accesories and struts her stuff! Emma Watson, is how should I put this, a fashion mogul in two countries. She takes a elegant twist on vintage, combining it with a bit of rustic rebellion, with her sexed up tousled hair, black smudged eyeliner and edge cutting trends. 
{This dress pretty much put her on the map. After this number if you didn't recognize her as a fashion icon before you would definitely do so now}
{A momentary revisit to her Harry Potter Days}
{Still able to drudge up sex appeal without ever crossing the lines from classy to trashy}
{ Her simple Makeup and dress allows her to be radiant, making her the focal of the outfit, not the fabric itself}
{She always looks pretty, a word used to describe a delicate sort of beauty}

When Fashion Becomes Art

             On another one of my time wasting searches on the internet, this time on, I came across or rather stumbled upon this beautiful piece of art, yes I said art. Anyone can pair together clothes, wear an outfit thats flattering and people will flock around them offering accolades for their "wonderful" fashion sense. Now yes it is always most appropriate to tell someone when they are looking good, but this right here is an art. A regular on chictopia (and by regular, I mean that whenever I log on I am sure to find one of her posts on the first page) turquoisepassion has managed to hone the art of pairing the unexpected. Her patterns on the skirt and scarf don't make logical sense together and the idea of an edgy leather and a delicate printed skirt seem like polar opposites, but when forced to be in the same room with each other they seem to make it work. Not only manage, but exceed past the expected to form an amazing display of positives and negative (metaphorically speaking). It takes a trained or rather a gifted eye to be able to pair something like this. Here are s few of her other outfits that I thought were blog worthy. Check her out on her Chictopia page for yourself:

Head Scarves

        Head Scarves, a trend I have constantly been referring to as the "Forties Head Bands". Recently that idea that they were indeed derived from the Roaring Forties, was challenged by me describing it to someone as such, so from now on in order to remain politically correct, I will simply refer to them as head scarves. So, Head scarves, a trend that has exploded on to the fashion scene, yet some how absent in my town is particularly interesting. The classic yet simple head scarf manages to embody so many elements. Its pretty, eye catching, subtle, cute, and sophisticated all wrapped up upon your head. It can come in different patterns and colors; silks verses satins, as opposed to mattes, it has the ability to completely alter the direction or motif of your outfit. In the picture above, with its bright colors and bold pattern it creates the illusion of confidence and intrigue yet still managing to look effortless. The blue scarf in the picture below gives her a doll like accent, while the bandannas add some edge. It serves the same purpose as a headband from the drugstore, yet gives you a hint of effortless effort (if that makes sense to anyone besides me). Just like it pulls up your hair, it can also withstand the weight of your outfit, pulling all the colors together, if you haven't gotten the picture yet, here are some actual pictures.