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Sunday, November 28, 2010


At least twenty minutes a day, roughly. Lets say five minutes to rumage through my laundry just to find that one sweater or shirt I want to base my entire outfit around. I never thought I would be one of those girls, the ones who pick out their outfits the day before,but, here I am, sitting next to a lace,cream tank top, my long ink blue hollister jeans, and a cardigan; all layed out niceley in my closet. I look at it now and the boring,mundane colors annoy me. It reminds me of Lauren Conrad, and although the girl might have very nice fashion taste, from what I have seen of her I was never too excited to slip into a navy blue slip on Monday and then the same silouhtte again on Tuesday but this time in black. Basically I find the girl boring. Fashion is supposed to be exciting, to express our lives, or at least what we envision them to be. It allows us to paint on this larger than life persona and hope that somewhere inside we live up to it. The reason this post is titled MIA, well she inspired this; she inspired me. Leafing through a rather outdated Rolling stones magizine I ran across an interveiw that she had done. The pictures on the side were invigorating. I don't know if you know this but MIA is a daring young girl. Her prints are bold, and not just one, all of them. She layers bold prints like an onion and then tops it off with bright red lipstick and her crazy tousled hair, but it works, it honestly does. Everything she wore made no sense, absolutley none, but who cares? It looked so refreshing and pleasing to the eye. It reminded me that fashion should be fun with not just spurts of colors but big splashes. No more planning unless it needs to be done, I should find the relish in the adventure itself.

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